Global Legal ConfEx 2024

20 FEB TO 24 FEB

At Events 4 Sure, our foremost objective is to empower in-house lawyers and general counsels worldwide by providing them with comprehensive education, training, opportunities for peer interaction, and valuable connections to service providers. Our aim is to enable them to play a pivotal role as wealth creators within their respective organizations.

Our virtual events and round table discussions serve as online forums where groups of in-house lawyers, general counsels, and law firm partners, representing one or multiple industries, convene in a digital environment. These sessions are meticulously organized and structured to facilitate in-depth, interactive, and collaborative discussions, mirroring the dynamics of traditional round table meetings. They are conducted through mediums like video conferencing and webinars.

Month: February

Country: Singapore

Industry: Education/ E-learning /Training/ Coaching

Year: 2024