World Congress On Cancer Research And Therapy 2024

19 JAN TO 23 JAN


After the grand success of previous cancer conferences, we solicit your gracious presence at the "10th World Congress on CANCER RESEARCH AND THERAPY" (WCCRT-2024) which will be conducted during June 20−22, 2024 as a hybrid event at Prague, Czech Republic and virtually. The conference will emphasize the theme "Novel Discoveries in Cancer Research & Treatment".

Cancer Congress 2024 is now opening a call for sessions, aiming to develop a programme that brings together the very best of innovation and progress happening across the full spectrum of cancer control, at national, regional and global levels. This is a unique opportunity for cancer experts to share their knowledge and experience with the global cancer community, gain visibility and contribute to advancing cancer control.
A special invitation is extended to international colleagues to attend and contribute to the conference.

Month: January

Country: Singapore

Industry: Medicine/ Dental/ Pharma

Year: 2024