Big Data & Analytics for Power & UtilitiesSummit 2024


Data has always been a critical component of energy, power & utilities operational processes. However, with the introduction of new data sources and the subsequent increase in the volume of generated data, big data analytics is assuming priority.

Cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, blockchain, advanced metering infrastructure, phasor measurement units (PMUs) are being deployed by power & utilities in their operations. These technologies are the big current and future investment avenues for utilities, and they all have one thing in common, they generate a huge amount of data.

The challenge for power & utilities companies is to make this data useful and generate actionable insights on aspects, such as consumer behaviour and demand-supply balance, improving maintenance & energy outage
management, minimizing losses from networks etc. Benefiting from large datasets is not straightforward and power & utilities need to deploy a range of new IT solutions & data analytics strategies that allow them to collect the data in consistent ways, as well as transport, secure, analyse and store it.

Month: February

Country: Singapore

Industry: IT/ Digital

Year: 2024